Extreme Labs, Inc.
Business category 1 | ABS |
City ( of main office ) | Las Vegas, US, United States |
Address | 2470 Chandler Ave. Ste. 20 |
Phones | 1-800-513-6672 |
Fax | 1 |
Web site | www.extremelabs.net |
About | Over the past ten years, Extreme Labs has become an industry leader sports nutrition supplementation. Contract manufacturing requires years of experience and dedication to not only understanding what the customer needs, but then also in making the finest product that money can buy. Extreme Labs is committed to producing the highest quality tablets, capsules, powders and liquids on the market. Extreme Labs' unique infrastructure provides customers with turnkey service, from manufacturing and testing to complete packaging services including label design and printing. Extreme Labs provides its services to other nutritional manufacturers, Athletes, celeberties, distributors, retailers, doctor's offices, fitness facilites and exclusive spas worldwide. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 15:10 |