Exclusive Luxury Transport INC. Dba. Turnkey Powersports
Business category 1 | Digital Camera |
City ( of main office ) | Las Vegas, US, United States |
Address | 3213 W. Teco Ave# 6, LAS Vegas, Nevada, United States |
Phones | 1-702-4545105 |
Fax | 1-702-8774326 |
About | Have you ever searched in vain for the subliminal tape that could fill your needs? Perhaps you knew exactly what you wanted but were unable to find it in your search of titles. Now you have the opportunity to make your own series of technically flawless recordings to your exact specifications. Simply connect the Lorelei Personal Real-time Subliminal Messaging Encoder to any component stereo system with inputs from any CD, cassette MP3 Player / Mini Disc or AM-FM receiver and outputs to any Audio Amplifier and / or Recording Device eg CD, Cassette Deck / MP3 Player / Mini Disc. Subliminal messages are encoded on your media just below conscious audibility, and superimposed over your choice of music or environmental sounds. The unit encodes subliminals infrasonically without degrading in any way (other than whatever degradation is due to your equipment) . With high-quality equipment and tape, it can produce outstanding analog recordings. The Lorelei Personal Real-time Subliminal Messaging Encoder can alternately be output through your amplifier and speaker-probably the most effective way to deliver subliminal messages. Lorelei's Subliminal Audio Message Encoders come with recording capacities from 2 minutes to 16 minutes depending on your needs. Insert monitoring headset to check your messages at anytime without interfering with your recordings SUBLIMINAL EFFECTIVENESS PROVEN SCIENTIFICALLY FOR OVER 50 YEARS. During the past 50 years, thousands of universities and research institutions have studied the phenenomon of subliminal messages. Subliminal messages have been tested in eight areas of human behavior: dreams, memory, value norm anchor points, conscious perception, verbal behavior, emotions, drives and perceptual defenses. There is at present, no serious question that human behavior can be influenced by subliminal messages. Dr. Norman Dixon, a psychologist at University College in London, England summarizes extensive research on subliminal learning in his scholarly work, "Preconscious Processing. " He cites 748 references with over 80% of the studies on the effects of subliminal communication showing positive results. YOU CONTROL THE CONTENT AND THE BACKGROUND With your Lorelei Subliminal Message Encoder you are in total control of the script and the programming and can create new messages as needs change. In addition, you can use your favorite music or even the radio as your background. |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 23:10 |