Business category 1 | Truck Parts |
City ( of main office ) | Selimpaşa, TR, Turkey |
Address | Hazar |
Phones | 90-723-4041 |
Fax | 90 |
Web site | www.emek-group.com |
About | Emek is mainly specialized in metal works; construction of metal & all weldment facilities for air filtration industry, automotive industry and telecommunication industry in their new factory which is built on 26. 000 m2 land. 6000m2 of the factory has been completed and for the moment, our production is on the first level of the factory. The second level of the factory which is 17000 m2 with 3000 m2 plaza will be completed this Autumn. Emek management has decided to have 100. 000 m2 production area by constructing the second factory which will be 80. 000 m2 in land that will be completed on 2012. You may visit the website of EMEK for additional information and our introduction video. ( WWW. emek-group. com) OUR PRODUCTS All the production of EMEK is centered around customer satisfaction. Project preparation, production stage and export stage are the stages that are being followed from the beginning of the Project till the end. In order to provide their customers with high quality products, Emek has employed 6 engineers to have a quality managment and internationally certified welding engineer for the quality control of welding. TELECOMMUNICATION INDUSTRY Emek is also capable of manufacturing any type of tower with any length: We have hundreds of towers that has been built in France, in Algeria, in Sudan, and Mauritania and many more towers in Tchad, Sierra Lieno, Dubai, Marocco, Ouagadougou and other countries of Europe. AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY Another production of Emek is marketing various trailer / truck accesories for Turkish, European and especially French market. Our research and investigation Office is working on the goods continuously to improve the productivity for customer satisfaction and production timeline. The main accesories in this production line can be specified as; Chassis, Damper Chassis, Container Chassis, Rear Bumper, Side Cover, Damper Accessories, Storage Cupboards, Dining Cupboards, Wheel Chock, Bumper Complex, water tank and cross. AIR FILTRATION INDUSTRY / MANIFOLD Emek is producing manifolds that are applicable to PED norms and SGS certified for an American Distrubutor in a special production plan with an expert team of stainless steel and metal since 2006. The manifolds for gas tribunes are used in air filtering area. This air filtering system cleans up the dirty air that goes into the gas tribune and the manifolds that are being produced cleans the waste which is kept in the filter. Special orders that are appropriate to our production area are also manufactured, after the investigation and approval of the expert engineers. Being known as a serious company who is manufacturing items with good quality for many years. EMEK has received ISO 9001 certificate from TUV on 2004 to prove the quality capacity and this certificate has been renewed on 2007. EMEK has invested on quality improvement system and there will be more investments on quality in the future. With all these investments at International level and the help of his reliable Business Partners, Emek aims to provide best service and quality to his customers, and would like to have the honour to cooperate with you and your company for many long years. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 15:10 |