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Egepres Postforming Elements

Business category 1 Doors
City ( of main office ) İzmir, TR, Turkey
Address Bekir Saydam Caddesi No : 21 Pancar Torbali
Phones 90-232-8641778
Fax 90-232-8641615
Web site www.egepres.com.tr
About Egepres postforming elements, which was founded in 1979 has been manufacturing ready semi-products for manufacturer and side-industrial establishments. Carrying on its activities on totally 11.000 m2 area,6000 m2 of which is indoor, egepres is also having style manufactures. As one of the leading companies in its sector, it is known as a rare mark of Turkey.

Introducing its succes gained in domestic market into the foreign market, egepres moves ahead on sound steps in the way of being a world mark.

Egepres associates quality and aesthetics by utilizing the latest and modern technology in its manufacturers. It allows work facilities and time saving to the furniture manufacturers through faultless and perfect cutting of mdf, mdf byproducts, chipboard, chipboard byproducts. Egepres presents best quality and rapid service in the required size and measures without any limits.

Egepres highlights aesthetics and quality in the manufactures carried out painstakingly. Continually renovating itself. Egepres creates teh latest fashion within the designs presented every year.

Type of our products:

** double sides postforming panels covered by laminate on chipboard for office furniture, kitchen and bedrooms.

** worktops covered by laminate on water resistant or normal chipboards.

** melamin faced mdf pressforming panels mats and rattan designed for bedrooms and decorative furniture

You can see more information about our products on our web page;
Date 2011 Oct 29, 10:10