East Asian Resources (www.eastasianresources.com)
Business category 1 | Garment Accessories |
City ( of main office ) | Lahore, PK, Pakistan |
Address | 4-A, Dane Pur Road, G. O. R-1, Opposite Punjab Club |
Phones | 92-333-4567764 |
Fax | 92-42-9200687 |
Web site | eastasianresources.com |
About | East Asian Resources is a Full Service Importer, Exporter, Sourcing, Consultancy, Marketing and Manufacturing Company. It is a joint venture of various companies coming together to develop a liaison between the import / export and the manufacturer community. With over a decade of experience in manufacturing, trading and sourcing, we also enter into contracts with professional Buyers and Sellers alike for better business. Customer satisfaction is monitored with an integrated Quality Assurance system which is Continually improved through Annual Quality Objectives. East Asian Resources provides superior services matched with exquisite quality and timeliness. Having apposite knowledge of the market and its demands we also promote and assist organizations (both local and foreign) that face complications in getting their product to the right customer. This is done with the help of our competitive sales staff having worked in numerous companies for years. We provide active assistance and Consultancy to Customers for ISO 9001: 2000 Certification, Quality Management System, Quality Audit, Human Resource and Marketing. We specialize in the following Product Categories: Garments Garment Accessories Glassware Crockery Shoes Bed Sheets Carpets Silver / Artificial Jewelry Various miscellaneous products from China, Pakistan, India, Middle East and other countries are also available. Our manufacturing partners consist of both highly automated manufacturing units and traditional handicrafts production. Our company works with major emphasis on export market. Quality control and the Quality Assurance procedures are designed with full redundancy to ensure all Quality standards. All orders under go full inspection and customer compliance is highly emphasized. Every piece / item is tested for purity and stamped. Attention to detail, our emphasis on quality, on time delivery and levels of service. Above all, standards, flexibility and competitive pricing give us an edge over our competitors. Our company also provides a platform for manufactures, retailers, designers, exporters, importers, machine suppliers, traders, finished and semi finished goods buyers to reach out to the world, And so to open new horizons of business ventures. A foreword gratitude from the parent companies of EA Resources. |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 22:10 |