Business category 1 | ABS |
City ( of main office ) | Manchester, US, United States |
Address | 521 East Middle Tpke. |
Phones | 1-877-438-8365 |
Fax | 1-860-649-8391 |
Web site | www.everybodyfit.com |
About | Hello, our company started out over 4 years ago. Our main business is supplying organizationans with pedometers. We have pedometers that range in quality and price. We are experts in pedometers and have found the highest quality manufacturers that will meet your logo, shipping, and all important quality pedometer needs. Most of our business is done with companies requesting a minumum of 1, 000 pedometers. We usually work with companies that order between 5, 000 and 100, 000 pedometers. With extra time we can meet larger requests without a problem too. We have quality pedometers for wellness programs and we have promotional pedometers for give away purposes. Our company focusses on lifestyle changes. We have developed a Wellness Program called the "Get 10, 000 Wellness Club". This wellness program does the following for medium to large companies. - Lowers Insurance Rates - Leeds to less absence in the workplace - Fewer Doctor visits by employees - More productive workforce - Increase Employee Morale - Individual Rewards for Accomplishment - Uniquely packaged program to meet budget constraints - Becomes part of the overall organizational culture. We have selected our goods from manufacturers that have proven to us that they take the time to create top notch products that won't fail the end user. In the past we were major distributers of our quality pedometers and will continue this part of the business as well. We will be expanding our programs / products as our clients needs continue to grow. Rest assured we will guide you every step of the way. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 10:10 |