Business category 1 | Ore |
City ( of main office ) | Eskişehir, TR, Turkey |
Address | Ankara Yolu 5. Km |
Phones | 90-222-2375746 |
Fax | 90-222-2372675 |
About | ENTIL, is one of the establishments of ZEYTINOGLU HOLDING since 1964. ENTIL utilizing advanced technology and modern management techniques manufactures high quality rollermill rolls for flour mills to the World Market with 18. 000 m2 covered area and 285 personnel. ENTIL manufactures rolls with its developed composition and techniques for flour mills, feed, plastic and various crushing and grinding industries with proper casting processes. Contributes flour mills at quality, capacity and yield by developing the techniques of grinding, sand blasting, fluting and durability on rollermill rolls. ENTIL bringing innovations in quality with its variant processes and increasing the annual production capacity to 24. 000 rolls is planning to be a step ahead in future as it is today. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 09:10 |