Business category 1 Skin Care
City ( of main office ) Des Plaines, US, United States
Address 886 Willson Drive
Phones 1-780-669-2621
Fax 1-847-227-8102
Web site www.anti-wrinkle.com/webcart/refer/essenceofyouth
About Emulgen laboratories was created in 1995 by harvard trained bio-chemist Santimoy Banerjee, with the specific intent of developing, patenting and presenting cosmeceutical products that would bring immediate and long term benefits to the clients that he served. Since that time several products have been researched, patented, tested and developed. Currently our international wholesale and retail market focus is on our 5 in 1 anti-wrinkle cream, LIFT VISAGE "the Essence of Youth"
Santimoy banerjee has over 30 years experience as a biochemist, including eleven years of working in the field of surfactants and their applications in different industries, including cosmetics. He has a ph. D. In biochemistry and has post-doctoral training in reputed academic institutions such as Harvard University, University of Chicago, and University of Illinois.
Lift Visage, 'The Essence of Youth' is a registered trademark of Emulgen ltd. Lift Visage is a 5-in-1 anti-wrinkle, skin restoring, moisturizing cream that combines several proven anti-wrinkle and healthy skin promoting ingredients that help promote the appearance of vibrant, healthy looking skin.
Since releasing Lift Visage to the public, the response has been phenomenal, with unsolicited passionate positive testimonials coming to emulgen laboratories on a constant basis, both from users of the product and medical practitioners who have noted the significant effect on their patients.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 10:10