Business category 1 | PA |
City ( of main office ) | Buenos Aires, AR, Argentina |
Address | Costa Rica 449/1043 |
Phones | 54-11-4623-3030 |
Fax | 54-11-4624-2400 |
Web site | www.efelab.com |
About | EFELAB SRL is an Argentinean firm transacting business in the Argentinean market since 1984. Because of its permanent evolution and technical development, it has manufactured products of internationally well-acknowledged quality. In terms of total quality we provide sterilization supplies to users worldwide with useful solutions. OUR COMPANY We are highly pleased to let you know that EFELAB SRL is presently selling its products to more than 200 public and private-owned Hospitals, Clinics and Sanatories throughout the Argentine Republic as well as other hospitals through distributors situated in different countries, such as Portugal, Pakistan, Thailand, The Philippines, Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Bolivia and Dominican Republic, among others. EFELAB SRL is a member company of MED & LAB GROUP, a holding currently composed of Argentinean firms doing business in the following areas: Medical Equipment, Laboratory, Diagnosis Reagents and Disposable Items. The main purpose of the companies forming MED & LAB GROUP focuses on achieving new markets by enforcing the quality and variety of its products. To achieve so, corporate actions have been grounded on a jointly-created sales force, thus minimizing costs and maximizing results. Its international promotion strategy consists in displaying all products comprehensively by means of commercial missions, trade fairs and exhibitions utilizing data exchange-based synergy among attendants and participants. For further information, please visit WWW. Medylab. Com. As regards product manufacturing, our company has implemented ISO 9001-2000 quality management system. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 15:10 |