Business category 1 | Pumps |
City ( of main office ) | Alicante, ES, Spain |
Address | Aptdo 168 |
Phones | 0034-966-712730 |
Fax | 0034-966-712730 |
Web site | www.edilizia-italiana.webs.com |
About | Italian-Spanish manufacturer of all kind of construction machines such as: Plastering Machines, Mortar Machines, Rendering Machines, ShotCrete Machines, Screed Pumps, Concrete Pumps, Sand Blasters, Compressors, Trowellers, Finishing Tools and all Equipments, Wearing Parts and Spare parts necessary to help you out in the Construction World. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Produttore-Distributore di tutti macchine edili tale como intonacatrice, trasportatrice di sabbia, miscelatrice, pompa autolivellanti, fratazzatrice, gunitatrice, spruzzatrici, atrezzature, ricambi di macchine, polmone e vite (stator - rotor), strumenti per finiture... |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 23:10 |