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Business category 1 Woven Fabric
City ( of main office ) Bratislava, SK, Slovakia
Address Toplianska 18
Phones 0421-903-258177
Fax 0421-031-771 3519
Web site www.vacuumcleanerscent.com
About Offer for vacuum cleaner antibacterial AG SMF and paper AG filter bags

European corporation AGF EC MCA is a free trade association of a manufacturer and distribution companies. The main production programme of the manufacturer is manufacture of polymer microfilaments based vacuum cleaner filter bags, which our company EC MCA s. R. O. Offers under AG SMF brand. Quality AG SMF products are intended for manufacturers of vacuum cleaners. They feature not only high quality but also reasonable prices if compared to paper filter bags.

In Slovakia, prototypes of vacuum cleaner filter bags from Spunbond and Melt-blown materials have already been produced within an applied research programme of non woven fabric use in 1992. However, the manufacture did not followed the research due to high prices of polymer microfilament. Producers focused on cheaper paper bag filters for vacuum cleaners. Along with paper filter bags MCA offers also multipurpose micro-filters and those for cooker hoods.

Joining the European corporation AGF EC MCA, we could expand considerably manufacture of filter bags from polymer microfilaments. We are pleased that new filter bag types are well sold satisfying both dealer and customer. Now under European Corporation AGF EC MCA, we could expand significantly the offer of formerly 33 types of vacuum cleaner filter bags made from Sponbond and Melt-blown materials.

EC MCA s. R. O. Is offering more than 120 vacuum cleaner filter bag types made from polymer microfilaments on both domestic and foreign markets. Further, the MCA offer includes more than 130 two-layered and three-layered paper bags AG filter for vacuum cleaners.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 09:10