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Dunameis Innovative Technologies, LLC

Business category 1 Digital Camera
City ( of main office ) Forestville, US, United States
Address 8203 Thornfield Terr
Phones 1-202-2705748
Fax 1-202-2705748
Web site www.alphainventiontech.com
About Dunameis Innovative Technologies, LLC. Doesn't only sell gift & promotion items, but high image, quality, innovative items. We sell added value.

We have many product ranges:

- auto scan FM radio;

- MP3 digital player;

- digital cameras;

- PC cameras;

- computer acc.

We constantly look for innovative ideas. We sell to about 100 countries around the world in different market niches: Promotion & premium, art & museums, souvenirs for tourists, z00s & aquariums, theme parks, religious gift, children books & edition, license, sports merchandising.

We refuse to sell direct to the corporate end user and prefer to cooperate with importers specialized in the above niches.

We prefer to have a limited number of customers in the same country, in order to support them better with small moq for custom design, very short delivery time, flexible & attractive prices, lots of free samples and marketing aid, legal support to fight copycats.

Our products don't sell on catalogues or displayed in a showroom. They sell very well only when given away to potential buyers to play with!

Ait, INC. Jobs in all above lines are welcome.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10