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Dock Marine Systems

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) İzmir, TR, Turkey
Address Ataturk Mah Kazim Karabekir CAD No: 78
Phones 90-232-8770580
Fax 90-232-8770581
Web site www.dockmarine.com.tr
About DOCK MARINE SYSTEMS is the wholly owned subsidiary of PMS Polietilen Mamulleri San. Tic. A.S. Specialized on rotational molding located in Izmir-Turkey. Dock Marine Systems has the largest range of polyethylene modular floating pontoons along with their accessories and connecting parts which gives the privelege to find quick solutions to all floating projects. The kind of pontoon used is determined by the conditions of the installation area and the desired project. We are able to handle all projets due to the flexibility that our large range provides us.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 10:10