Divine Replica
Business category 1 | PA |
City ( of main office ) | Meerut, IN, India |
Address | B-11 Basant Vihar |
Phones | 91-121-2670244 |
Fax | 91-121-2670244 |
About | Since we being engaged in reproduction of Roman, Viking, Mediaeval, Renaissance, Gladiator and Fantasy arms, armour and accessories reproductions that are designed to meet standards and specifications. So we aim that re-enactors should feel realize satisfied to accomplish their kit more complete of their choice. We are not only making products for the Display/gift but also making fully functional items of medieval weapon on demand from a specific time/century during the European Medieval era down by century. Since the large group of people throughout the world are enthusiastic to keep memory of Ancient Era armory as the gift or decorative items. As antique armory has its own enthusiasm and the replica of the same is used widely in movies to provide a real look. We are making our best efforts to make Replicas historically accurate for new or experienced collectors. Ancient Art, gifts, and collectibles inspired by the past civilizations of Ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece, and the Gothic Era. So we are sure that you feel delighted with product designs and styles of our arm and armory range of products are charming. This is because of use of specific desired standard materials and metals makes Arm and Armory durable by our skilled craftsmanship. |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 23:10 |