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Business category 1 Processing Services
City ( of main office ) Montréal, CA, Canada
Address 5241 St-Andre
Phones 1-514-2719671
Fax 1-514-2719671
About After 10 years of consultation, DigiVox was established officially in 1994. As a research and development outlet for Bio-Medical Eng. Its customers base are University Laboratories in Perception and Hospitals performing Brain Imaging like the Montreal Neurological Institute were Doctor Penfield conducted the first open brain surgeries. Over the years DigiVox accumulated expertise in hospitals and universities world wide by assisting in perception and psychophysics research resulting in over twenty publications in the top journals: Science, Nature, Neurone, P& P etc.. .

Today DigiVox main function is to develop Turn Key Systems for Interactive Multi-Media displays for common use with a real-time precision edge required by clinical trials with EEG or fMRI. It holds a major Digital Signal Processing engine for finite audio synthesis and experiment designs as well as multiple-video streams playback per display, methods & statistics. Development of user interfaces, input devices and data collection for various tasks involving stimuli presentation with feedback are not only useful for science but for marketing research as well.

Currently DigiVox is operating in the Americas, Europe and Asia. With sate of the art technologies and 100% reliability and 0% down-time DigiVox is now prepared to undertake Museumologie and commercial applications with a targeted business plan in the millions of revenue.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 09:10