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DJN Limited

Business category 1 Skin Care
City ( of main office ) Washington, D. C., US, United States
Address 25722 Bruford Blvd
Phones 1-813-929-1884
Fax 1-813-929-1884
About Committed to growing this company by using a well planned business plan. Commited 24/7 and sometimes it feels like more. Retirement from usaf after 22 years of service gives me the momentum and working within a specific time range with one full time partner who has extensive training in merchandising, sales and marketing, and several part time for the time being. Learning and wanting to buy already made jewelry to add to my own creations that are already selling in salons and spa/gift shop at this time. Would like to add some artists handmade jewelry from different regions of the world. Spa/giftshop like atmosphere naturals and organic skincare withs scents, lotions that would stand alone on their own. Natural mineral makesups line. Online sites. Locally beading parties for groups and childrens too.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 10:10