Business category 1 Fashion Bags
City ( of main office ) Abuja, NG, Nigeria
Address Lafro Building Besides Mustap Hassan Furniture.
Phones 234-03977324-58
Fax 234-03984567-22
About DIMEX HOLDINGS NIG LTD is private company that came to existence in 2004. We produce and supply agricultural products to many comp. The balance sheet as at 2006 is 5millions dollars, and we located at ibadan in OYO state Nig. The products of our company very kwnon throughout Nigeria and part of world and more so our products are coming out in large turnout. The products we are producing are palm oil, palm kernel oil, rubber latex and many more. The products are well monitored before packaged and branded for sales in markets and different organization are patronizing our products including Nigeria governments. The products is produced in a decent areas of our enveroment in which health oranization has come to investigate very and they gave us certifiacate of aprovers.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 21:10