Home » Guest » DELING FOOD LLC


Business category 1 Dried Food
City ( of main office ) Tashkent, UZ, Uzbekistan
Address Galaba str. h-1
Phones 998-712-604079
Fax 998-712-635299
Web site delingfood.uz
About The company "DELING FOOD" imports more than one year to Uzbekistan the best components for preparation of sausages. Everything, that plays the important role in preparation of sausages and sausages of the higher class-potato starch, tapioca, a soya, carrageenan (thickener) , an easily removable cover for sausage and hot-dog stands of products, a concentrate, forcemeat chicken, a skin chicken.

As the Company "DELING FOOD" exports fresh, dry fruit and vegetables as nuts and spices to the countries of the European Union. -all can be got at once it in one place: at us. And it will be raw materials of the premiums, capable to satisfy the most exacting client.

Our Company has no such noisy popularity, as some our competitors. We not a supermarket, at us other style of business management. Instead of attraction of the big weight of clientele we try to work so that each customer was happy with work with our firm and has returned to us when something from our offers is required to it still. We offer only those goods which answer our level. Our Company has no such noisy popularity, as some our competitors. We not a supermarket, at us other style of business management. Instead of attraction of the big weight of clientele we try to work so that each customer was happy with work with our firm and has returned to us when something from our offers is required to it still. We offer only those goods which answer our level.

One of main our riches-our suppliers. All our suppliers are united by one property are the firms entering into number of best in the area. We selected only such companies specially to be assured of quality and a class of those goods which we give to our buyers here.

Concerning small collective of our firm allows us to solve all questions with clients operatively and in the friendly form. With us it is pleasant to work.

We dont stand on the place. Our firm constantly searches for ways of improvement of quality of work and interaction with suppliers and buyers. Besides, periodically we have all new offers-search of suppliers is not finished. And old our partners do not doze.

Warm and attentive reception will be provided with our employees. You can discuss with them all your wishes and personally be convinced of the highest quality of production which we offer.

Our company will be glad to see you!
Date 2011 Oct 29, 09:10