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D Positive Channel International

Business category 1 Cement
City ( of main office ) London, GB, United Kingdom
Address 4 Badar Square, Broughty Ferry
Phones 44-1382-2732816
Fax 44-1382-2221913
Web site www.dpositivechannelint.com
About D Positive Channel International is a direct channel from major suppliers of commodities to major buyers of commodities. Our buyers are primarily governments and large corporations, who buy in large volumes with a requirement for regular orders. D Positive Channel International connects the supplier directly to the buyer in order to ensure that both can finalize the contract with terms satisfactory to both parties in the most time effective manner possible.

D Positive Channel International keeps in daily contact with our regular buyers to see what price and what quantity they are willing to purchase. We only work on the basis of a signed Letter of Intent. We will not request prices from our mandated suppliers unless we have a Letter on Intent from serious, reputable buyers. We have no desire to waste yours or our time with tentative inquiries.

D Positive Channel International only deals with direct suppliers and direct buyers at all times and will only work on orders upon the receipt of a Letter of Intent from reputable and vetted buyers.

We strives to obtain a fair price and reasonable terms for both suppliers and buyers alike. We require very competitive fair prices from our suppliers to ensure the deal moves forward to a conclusion in a very efficient manner.

Date 2011 Oct 29, 08:10