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Cv Banin

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Surabaya, ID, Indonesia
Address Jl. Raya Wisma Pagesangan 23
Phones 62-31-8287509
Fax 62-31-8287509
About We are an agriculture division of cv banin, that manages a csr (community social responsibility) program for cv banin. Our aim is to increase welfare of our community. Cv banin itself is a manifacturing company that produce kitchen tools products.

With this program, as a contibution to society near us, we hopes we can increase their income. And we commited to facilitate, develop, and expand a trading sytem that will contribute to increase self-reliance and independence of marginalized organized producers, and also will provide consumers with compatitive quality products.

About our agriculture products, you can see our trade leads pages and products pages. For now, we are focusing on development of two kinds of poducts (that has export capibility) , which are natural wood charcoal, and kapok fibre.

For further information, please contact us. We promises to reply in 2-4 days, depends on your inquiries.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10