Cotton Shopping Bag Factory
Business category 1 | Packaging Bags |
City ( of main office ) | Canberra, AU, Australia |
Address | Level 5, Nexus Building, 4 Columbia Court |
Phones | 61-2-9836 3188 |
Fax | 61-2-98363025 |
Web site |, |
About | The Cotton Shopping Bag Factory is establishing itself globally as the largest manufacturer and exporter of high quality; reusable Cotton String Shopping Bags. Our manufacturing facility has a production capacity of approx one (1) million shopping bags per month and has satisfactorily catered to the needs of customers from countries as far as USA, Fiji, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, France and the U. K but to name a few. In-expensive, very user friendly and with vibrant colours and designs, our range of environmentally friendly shopping bags are available now; for a world ready to embrace a brighter future. Our range of reusable shopping bags and other products are machine manufactured to the highest standard, individually cut and machine stitched to your requirements, so whether you require Cotton String Bags, Organic Bags, Micro Fibre Cloths, Kitchen Cloths, Laundry Bags. We would be pleased to demonstrate the we can deliver on the agreed price, quality and time frame; ever time. The Cotton Shopping Bag Factory supports and complies with the ethics and standards of International Fair Trade and Labour Laws, but this is only the beginning. We believe in giving back, and in doing so support a number of charities and foundations. Driven by huge consumer demand, our flag ship range of long and short handle reusable bags are a proven, affordable, user friendly, high quality, natural fibre cotton product, that are sure to make our reusable bags a winner with your customers time and time again. So whether your business is just looking for that natural alternative to plastic bags, or you have a custom requirement, we will manufacturer to your requirements. We welcome you as a visitor, but hope that we may develop a long, mutually beneficial relationship. Ordering direct from us is cost effect and easy, make the smart choice; and request a quote on our range of 100% natural alternative bags! Remember-Cotton Bags never get thrown out before their time. 'Cotton is the Natural Choice' |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 15:10 |