Coffee Warehouse
Business category 1 | Coffee |
City ( of main office ) | Liverpool, GB, United Kingdom |
Address | 199 kensington |
Phones | 44-7879861-389 |
About | Coffee Warehouse is a subsiduary of MJD International Ltd, a uk based buying and sourcing company. Set up in 2008 to cope with the number of requests for nescafe and branded "instant coffees", CW trades ONLY in coffee and coffee related food and beverage. By using only tried tested and TRUSTED suppliers we provide a safe trading platform for customers either new to buying or to established buyers looking for quick precise transactions without the risk of buying atthe wrong price or the wrong product. If you are a supplier who constantly receives request upon request from customers with no end sale or from customers without the means to buy we can help! We filter out the "spam", forwarding only guaranteed buyers who are ready to buy NOW, leaving you with more time to spend looking after your most valuable andf established customers. We are also a freelance buying agent, if you have coffee you want to sell on, give us the description and we will find it. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 09:10 |