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Cocoa Coffee British Limited

Business category 1 Ground Coffee
City ( of main office ) London, GB, United Kingdom
Address 12 Bankside Avenue, River Mill Park
Phones 44-845-2998582
Fax 44-208-8525526
Web site www.ccbritish.com
About Cocoa Coffee British Limited is one of the main supplier of quality cocoa and coffee beans and also

Ground coffee.

CCB differ from other players in the market because it represents the interests of farmers. Buying then

From CCB is buying direct from farmers.

CCB is therefore a vehicle set up by farmers in order to get a decent income from their hard work.

This is just a fair trade. We invite buyers of Cocoa to help us to fight or put an end to child labour.

Buy from CCB and feel no guilts-peace of mind.

You could make a life change to poor farmers by buying directly from them-buy CCB's Cocoa and Coffee.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 09:10