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Business category 1 Quarry Stone & Slabs
City ( of main office ) Mascouche, CA, Canada
Address Quebecmascouche561 Ave De L`etang
Phones 1-514-8625044
Fax 1-450-4748254
Web site www.chemistryRGConsulting.com
About Chemistry RG Consulting was specially created to help companies or individuals in the subject of Chemistry, Laboratory Construction, Consulting, and Business Development.

Chemistry RG Consulting has experience in a substantial amount of different areas, such as: Bioenergy, Research & Development, Alternative Energy, Commercial Laboratories, Industries, Management Solutions, Quality Control, Health and Safety, Laboratory Planification, Laboratory Construction, Plant Process, Mass Balance, Analyses, Marketing, Finance, Teaching, Inspection, Training, Public Speaking and Write-UPS or Correction of Scientific Papers / Reports.

Chemistry RG Consulting has helped many companies move forward and increased revenues by offering more efficient business structures, and suggesting new Business Development.

Chemistry RG Consulting has in-depth knowledge in the field of Tar Sands, Petroleum, Waste Water, Wood, Biodiesel, Wood Resin, Liquid Wood, Biomass, Food Flavour, Ethanol, Fertilizers, Rape Seeds, Corn, Crudes, Pyrolysis Products, Gas to Liquid Extraction, and Liquid to Liquid Extractions.

Chemistry RG Consulting is composed of a small group of Scientists and Managers that has gain years of experience in the world of Science and Management. The advantage of doing business with Chemistry RG Consulting is its flexibility. The size of Chemisty RG Consulting is just right for a one on one contact, which is important in today`s fast pace. Chemistry RG Consulting offers quick service due to its in-house knowledge and world wide contacts.

Chemistry RG Consulting purposely operates at very low Caps and OPS Ex to maintain client cost to its lowest. The solution was to have a flexible structure. All Scientists operate out of their own homes and use the already available public systems to communicate. This simple structure allows all members to be independent, available and responsive to the client needs with no company or political attachments. This is part of Chemistry RG Consulting thinking. The Caps and OPS Ex for the company is near zero, with no financial attachments. This allows the focus to be client only. The system is simple, easy and extremely cost oriented.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10