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Camellia Plants

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Pamukova, TR, Turkey
Address Saraclar Sok. No: 43 Merkez
Phones 90-264-2711387
Fax 90
Web site www.cicekcidede.com
About Camellia Plants-Kamelya Cicekcilik

Camellia Plants was founded in 1933 in Turkey. It was founded in a total area of 100,000 sqm, out of which 10,000 sqm is covered area. Camellia Plants employs nearly 25 person. The company is product range includes all inside and outdoor ornemantal plants products. Camellia currently manufactures ornemantel plants especially outdoor ornemantel plants.

Our company strategy builds on our expertise in technology and outsourcing to help clients meet international standards so they can get global solutions for environment, productivity.

Products produce with our quality;

Thuja Orien Talis Aurea
Gold Rider
Smar Gold
Multicolored Cupressocyparis

In line with the continuously increasing demands of the market and customers, Camellia Plants, whichcontinues its growth with investment, aim to make the expertation activities and its share of the global market spacious with increase dealers. Camellia exports more than %40 of its production, is planning to increasing export capacity to %85 with modernization and capacity increasing investment of the company.

Ali Ihsan Urkut
Sales and Marketing Representative
Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10