Business category 1 All Snacks
City ( of main office ) Torino, IT, Italy
Address Via Bricherasio, 6
Phones 39-011-5627180
Fax 39-011-5627177
Web site www.italasia.it
About Consorzio Italasia, a non profit body, was born with the specific aim of supporting the commercial penetration and industrial co-operation of Italian SMEs in the Asian countries, in particular those belonging to the ASEAN group (China, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia...) and Japan.

The multisectorial consortium takes part to the main international fairs in Asia and also organises autonomous events and entrepreneurial missions with business-matching meetings.

Thanks to the co-operation with the principal Institutions and with local sector partners in the Asian countries, the Consortium has developed economic monitoring and specific long-term penetration-programs on behalf of the Italian adherent companies.

The Consortium is recognised also for the incoming of Asiatic missions in Italy. Specific serviced are provided: market researches, visits to the main industries and fairs, meetings and events organisation, translation and interpreting.
Industrial co-operation projects, such as joint-ventures, are also assisted by the Consortium staff of specialists for contracts, business-plan, tax-planning and all the financial issues.

A fundamental role of Consorzio Italasia is to lead the Italian participation in the U.E. financed programs for the economic development of European SMEs in the Asia.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 10:10