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Business category 1 Plant & Animal Oil
City ( of main office ) Bamenda, CM, Cameroon
Address Kwen Mile 4
Phones 237-96 29 92 18
About Camnoco is renowned as a company that, over the years, has exceeded the boundaries of performance. It is Camnocos goal to produce new cultivars that will perform even better, for markets that span the globe. We are geared towards this, with a team of professional plant breeders and average equipped and strategically chosen research stations.

It is important to us at Camnuco to keep pace with the latest technology, but more important to constantly fulfil the changing requirements of our clients to ensure that they will continue to be successful in a dynamic industry.

Company Profile

Camnuco is a company with its origins deeply rooted in plantation agriculture. It was founded in 1990 in Bambili, a thriving agricultural community situated in the heart of the Nkwen-Bamenda, on the North-Western region of Cameroon.

In 1993, Camnoco initiated its hybrid oil palm breeding programme and began developing its own improved cultivars, specifically adapted to meet the needs of oil palm farmers in Cameroon.
Which is most appreciated today by most farmers.


Since Camnucos early days when it only marketed oil palm, the company has come a long way. Today, in addition to its oil palm hybrids, Camnuco markets a range of items including crude palm oil(cpo), kernel oil, kernel nuts, palm kernel cake(pkc)and palm kernel shell(pks). It is our objective to offer our customers a complete range of products to meet all their requirements. Camnucos customer base has also grown dramatically with the company now marketing oil palm kernel products worldwide.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10