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C. I Bricha Ltd

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Bogotá, CO, Colombia
Address Cra 103 D No 82-31
Phones 57-300-3909048
Fax 57-1-2293928
Web site www.cibricha.com
About C. I. BRICHA Ltd is a BUSINESS FACILITADOR that generates commercial opportunities for Small & Medium Business (SMBs) . In today competitive markets, it is necessary to promote the development and growth of the national companies, with the aim to insert in the global economy, with the purpose of facing, quickly and effectively the market changes in which we lived, to obtain this, it is necessary to develop resources, technology and products with the purpose of extending presence in the market and increasing profits in which C. I BRICHA is your great ally.
1) Support on Internationatilation process for companies with emphasis in the farming and Agro-industrial sector.
2) National and international commercialization of perishables and nonperishables products
3) Participation in National and international fairs events promoting products and services that we represented
Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10