Bupo Sac
Business category 1 | Plant Extract |
City ( of main office ) | Lima, PE, Peru |
Address | Jr. Gomez Del Carpio 140 - C |
Phones | 51-1-4462162 |
Fax | 51-1-4462162 |
Web site | www.macapunch.com |
About | We are a company dedicated to sale and export nutraceutical and functional food products that are 100% natural. Peruvian nutraceutical functional foods, completely organics, that are used before than the incas and which benefits are being transmitted from generation to generation. Today, because some studies and their diffusion, these nutraceutical foods are world recognized and used day after day by more persons in the five continents. That means in an increase of the exports and the generation of more work for more peruvians. We are a fair trade company Our commitment is to offer you selected food products of excellent quality beside offering to you a personalized and professional attention. All of our products are endorsed by quality analysis carried out by authorized laboratories and rely on a respective healthiness record, certificate of origin and quality certificates of packings. In addition for all our maca products we rely on an organic international certification from skal By the present our products are sold in Canada and are commercialized also in countries as USA, France, Switzerland, corea, UAE and Australia among other ones. |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 22:10 |