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Bulston Ltd

Business category 1 Quarry Stone & Slabs
City ( of main office ) Lovech, BG, Bulgaria
Address Bqalo More 11
Phones 359-894-781179
Fax 359-898-781179
Web site www.bulston.com
About Bulston Ltd was founded in the 90s. The main scope of the company is manufacturing and assemble of natural stone and facing materials. Bulston Ltd uses marbel, granite, travertini, gneiss, sandstone and limestone for its production.
The materials and the products are from Bulgaria and imports from Grees, Italy, Turkey, Macedonia, India, China, Brazil and Egypt. The company exports to the USA, Canada and Germany. In the cours of time, BulstonLtd. Has developed as a leading and successful company in the stone industry.
The company is known for its high quqlity and its ability to satisfy the costomers with the quality and quantity of services, on time, for big projects and singele orders.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10