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Bravura World Distributors

Business category 1 Logistics Services
City ( of main office ) Hollywood, US, United States
Address 5305 West Park Road
Phones 1-877-662-2562
Fax 1-888-347-9309
Web site www.pcicewater.com
About Park City IceWater Company is in the business of packaging and distributing melted glacier artesian water in proprietary environmental packaging called a 'GlacierPak' as well as distributing an energy beverage called 'Ol Glory'. We are also fully capable of private labeling the bottles to your specifications. Our corporate website is located at (WWW. Pcicewater. Com. )

Park City IceWater sets new industry standards for packaging technology, food safety, and most importantly, the quality of the water we package. We believe we are the first in the US market to utilize this unique packaging material and systems. The flexible packaging we use has less impact on our environment than the traditional packaging used for bottled water. In comparison, our flexible packaging reduces materials that need to be recycled, land filled, or incinerated. Flexible packaging requires 75% less energy to produce and occupies 96% less land fill space. In short, flexible packaging produces less pollution and reduces waste.

We also believe we are the first to process bottle water under the Hazard Analysis at Critical Control Point (HACCP) systems. The HACCP system is an inspection system developed by the USDA to stem outbreaks of food poisonings from processed meats.

Park City IceWater brings the finest water on earth together with the latest technology to bring you safe and pure drinking water and a brand you can trust.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 09:10