Bravo Wines ltd
Business category 1 | Alcoholic Beverage |
City ( of main office ) | London Borough of Harrow, GB, United Kingdom |
Address | 8 Pinner View |
Phones | 44-845-5190625 |
Fax | 44-845-5190624 |
Web site | |
About | Welcome to Bravo Wines, we as a company believe its important that we not only supply high quality wines but a service that is second to none. We strive to answer questions regarding our industry and support our distributors where we can, not many other companies can boast that. Bravo Wines have excellent vineyards from various famous regions in Spain and the locations of these vineyards are pivotal to our success. Bravo Wines have also been regarded as a winery that offers a wider range of products than any other winery in its class. Winemaking for Bravo Wines has undergone spectacular changes since the 1970s, with the introduction of new concepts such as the effective control of harvests, monitoring of the primary aromas of fruit and proper hygiene of wine cellars. These new methods have been implemented to such a degree in Spain that some of the most modern wineries in Europe are now located in this country. Spanish wines do not over power their style cuisine in fact Spanish cooking is known for its spices, heavy use of sauces and seasoning, they compliment such foods for this reason we believe these wines from our range will be an instant success for the Asian market. We understand that in the different provinces and states the food may vary, however our wines have been tasted and 9/10 people agree that Bravo wines have never complimented their food better. Bravo winemaking history is rich, diverse and long established, earning a place in the global spotlight for its Rioja regions. Bravo Wines is paving the way for great change, with reformed winemaking practices and the influx of cutting edge technology changing the way for younger generation of Spanish producers to meticulously create lively, spirited and stylish wines. Spain is the third largest producer of wine in the world with over a million hectares planted with vines, more importantly Spain is the very incarnation of diversity in climate, landscape soils and indigenous grape varietals. We at Bravo Wines have carefully selected our favourites to suit the Asian market with exceptional quality, it is time to consume a wine that is tailor made for your cultural taste. Why drink Bravo Wines? The list of wine benefits is getting longer and getting more surprising all the time. Wine in moderation might help you lose weight, reduce forgetfulness, boost your immunity, and help prevent bone loss. Wine helps prevent clots and reduce blood vessel inflammation; Alcohol also seems to raise HDL, the so-called good cholesterol, which helps unclog your arteries. Studies find that people who drink wine daily have lower body mass than those who drink wine occasionally; moderate wine drinkers have narrower waists and less abdominal fat than people who drink liquor. A study of those who drank roughly a glass of wine a day reduced about 11% of their risk of infection by Helicobacter pylori bacteria, a major cause of gastritis, ulcers, and stomach cancers. As little as half a glass may also guard against food poisoning caused by germs like salmonella when people are exposed to contaminated food, according to a Spanish study. When a Australian researcher recently compared women with ovarian cancer to cancer-free women, they found that roughly one glass of wine a day seemed to reduce the risk of the disease by as much as 50 percent, University of Hawaii produced similar findings. Wine also appears to boost estrogen levels; the hormone seems to slow the bodys destruction of old bone more than it slows the production of new bone. Nowadays research suggests that a glass of red wine each day may be providing you with more than just a little relaxation. This has opened the door for other researchers to study the components in red wine that may be responsible for its health benefits. In the last 10 years, thousands of research on red wine showed that moderate intake of wine also improves cardiovascular health. So as you can see drinking wines have many benifits |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 14:10 |