Bombay Vyapar Pvt. Ltd
Business category 1 | Processing Services |
City ( of main office ) | Mumbai, IN, India |
Address | 15-A bharat Insurance Bldg, hornimon circle Fort , Mumbai |
Phones | 91-022-22705522 |
Fax | 91-022-22705577 |
About | Bombay Vyapar Private Limited BOMBAY VYAPAR PRIVATE LIMITED is Exports cum Trading Company dealing in various products. Initially known as Bombay Vyapar Exports Pvt Ltd, the Company is exporting Food Products, House hold Items, Spices, Fruits and Vegetables to International super market Companies. BOMBAY VYAPAR PVT LTD is a part of Multi division group of Company, with a turn over of 500million Rupees. With a legacy of more than 50 years of business the group has established a well-dignified reputation in various fields. Bombay Vyapar is exporting FMCG products, Fruits & Vegetables and Frozen Food Items to different countries. Associated with well reputed International Hyper market chains, the company has got their presence in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, U. A. E etc. The Company is also representing well-established Indian manufacturers for marketing their products in domestic as well as international markets. Group Company, Growell Resources and Management Pvt is one of the leading Importers of Bulk Fertilizer, Fertilizer Raw Material like Sulphur, Rock Phosphate, Minerals etc. Another Group Company Pol India Agencies Ltd has also established as one of the major Shipping Company involved in Vessel ownerships, Management and agency business. Owned and run by a group of experienced professionals in various fields, the company is thriving to be one of the leading players in the Indian corporate circles. Utilizing maximum opportunities in this globalization period, the Company is well expanding their business by collaborating with reputed International Companies. BOMBAY VYPAR PVT LTD is exporting products like, Dairy products, Packed foods, Frozen Foods, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Cereals, Pulses, Spices, Tea, Bakery items etc. The Company also exports, products like Tooth Paste, Cosmetic, Herbal products, Furnitures, Garments, Sports items, Kitchen appliances, etc. The Company is well equipped with in house consolidation and complete Logistical infrastructure. The facility has also got well-experienced Technical staff in handling Goods for Exports, as per International standard |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 09:10 |