Business category 1 |
Digital Camera |
City ( of main office ) |
Cedartown, US, United States |
Address |
680 Booger Hollow Rd |
Phones |
1-770-7482662 |
Fax |
1-770-7482562 |
Web site | |
About |
My husband & I have an e-store at ebay. W also sell on amazon. We started our company in january of 2006 on ebay where we lost money until we learned how to market our products more successfully. We are still a small operation, but we are growing each day. We have an inventory of books, software, and other various household items. We also sell products that are dropshipped such as cameras and other electronics & are constantly looking for new ways to buy low and sell to make a nice profit. My problem has been that the companies from China have prices on their cameras that are not competitive. I need lower priced items so I can compete with the large companies. we are powersellers!
Date |
2011 Oct 28, 23:10 |