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Blue Pencil Science

Business category 1 Consulting
City ( of main office ) Branford, US, United States
Address 17 Waverly Rd
Phones 1-203-9030708
Fax 1-203-9030708
Web site www.bluepencilscience.com
About Blue Pencil Science is a scientific and medical editing service, providing English language assistance for researchers preparing journal manuscripts, grant proposals, and other scientific documents. Our editors have advanced degrees (Ph. D. And M. D. ) and will review your text for language, style, and clarity. We are a growing company with clients in the US, Europe, and Asia.

Blue Pencil Science offers two levels of service:

1. Our basic proofreading service reviews your document for spelling and English grammar.

2. Our more substantive copyediting service revises your document to achieve a more elegant style that English-speaking readers appreciate. This service includes improving word choice, revising sentence structure, omitting unnecessary words, and rewriting awkward phrases.

Blue Pencil Science is affordable and fast. Documents submitted for proofreading are returned in two full business days for an average 3000-5000-word manuscript, and copyedited documents and projects are completed within five business days.

Blue Pencil Science can also accommodate any type of scientific communication, including journal manuscripts, book chapters, website content, and presentations. We also work with the client to achieve specific goals without altering content; these may include shortening a manuscript to fit within publication word limit guidelines or rewriting text to expand and enhance clarity.

Although most of our clients are non-native English-speakers, we welcome a project from any client who desires to improve his chances of publishing a scientific manuscript.

Thank you for taking the time to consider Blue Pencil Science, and we hope to serve you in the near future.

Date 2011 Oct 29, 08:10