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Bio Orto

Business category 1 Fresh Vegetables
City ( of main office ) Roma, IT, Italy
Address posta dei colli
Phones 39-882-645787
Fax 39-882-646418
Web site www.bio-orto.com
About The Bio Orto Company is specialised in the production and commercialization of Organic products. It is located in Apricena (PUGLIA) , in the heart of a National Park (Parco Nazionale del Gargano)

Thanks to an high qualified staff that follow the production, the Comapny manages over 300 hectar of organic fields and their products are packed in a modern packhouse with a covered area of 20. 000 square meters; inside there are 7 lines of production where works more than 200 employeed.

In this building there are 50. 000 cube meters of refrigereted area where the product is stocked after the packaging to ensure the best quality for all the season and to improve the shelf-life.

The main products from OCTOBER until JUNE are:

* Bio Broccolo

* Bio Cauliflower

* Bio Celery

* Bio Fenchel

* Bio Swiss Chard

* Bio Rocket Salad (cultivated in an Organic Greenhouses from October to May)

The products from JUNE to OCTOBER are:

# Bio Curgettes

# Bio Grape

We have the following certifications:

Certificazione biologica reg 2092 / 91;


Global Gap;


Uni En ISO 9001: 2000;

Tesco Nature Choise

Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10