Beena D Shah
Business category 1 | Other Business Services |
City ( of main office ) | Mumbai, IN, India |
Address | 1006, Yogi Tower, Yoginagar, Borivali (West) |
Phones | 91-022-32951775 |
Fax | 91 |
Web site | |
About | Hello Ladies & Gentlemen Now a days it has become a customary to have Horoscope and Marriage Compatibility Chart a deciding factor before finalising engagement / marriage. In case of taking important decisions about Career, Settling in Foreign Countries, Childrens etc. Horoscope plays an important role. So, in short, now everybody wants to have his / her Horoscope / Marriage Compatibility Chart. As traditionally it was prepared by local Pandit manually, a 8 / 10 pages booklet format. Then came Softwares on Horoscope and Printed Booklets of running into 100 pages became order of the time. So if it is to be exchanged with another party, for taking judgement, became very difficult. Now a days the time has come that instead of taking printout of 100 pages, the same can be generated in a PDF format and exchanged through email, a very very easy method to exchange with other parties for taking judgements. This also saves use of Stationery, Ink (Rs. 5 per page) and thereby it is possible to cut down on Cost of the Service of providing Horoscope / Marriage Compatibility Chart, without compromising the quality of the Services. So we are providing exactly the same thing which was provided in the form of Printed Booklet, the only difference is that, we are providing in PDF format. One should not compare the price we are charging with the quality of Services we are going to provide you. We are providing exactly the same thing which was provided when Printed Booklet was issued. The only thing is that we are providing in PDF format and that to your email id only. By providing it directly to your email address, the market has now expanded widely because previously our business was limited to local limit. Now we can do business at world level and we can execute the order within few seconds. Hope you are convinced about the things and hope you will not hesitate in placing your orders continueously and advertise about this to your friends and relatives and help us in getting more and more business. Have a great day and great future. Beena D Shah |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 09:10 |