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Barguna Enterprises Ltd.

Business category 1 Fruit Wine
City ( of main office ) Saint George's, GD, Grenada
Address Tivoli
Phones 1-473-438-0792
Fax 1-473-438-0792
About Barguna Enterprises Limited is a company located in the caribbean island of Grrenada. Its primary function is the manufacture of herbal products. Its flag ship product is Healthtea, a blend of various herbs and spices is good for control of blood sugar levels (diabetes) and lowering elevated cholesterol. It is also good for promoting weight loss.

Herbal aphrodisiac products are also manufactured. Bois Bande is the most common and effective aphrodisiac in the West Indies. It is hardly known outside. However, its effectiveness is without question. The name bois bande is French for "hard wood". It is also known as Mountain Spice perhaps because it is grown mainly in mountainous regions. It is the bark of a tree of the same name and harvested in much the same way as cinnamon. It is presented in the form of tea also infused in wine and rum.

Other herbal and fruit wines are being offered both in alcoholic and non-alcoholic forms. These include aloe vera and almond.

The owner and chemist is U. S. trained.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10