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Business category 1 Bus
City ( of main office ) Phoenix, US, United States
Address 1102 E Hilton
Phones 1-602-6702556
Web site www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=2943683&trk=hb_side_g
About We realize that sometimes your dreams are bigger then your budget! You will be amazed at the various and affordable options available to you as an entrepreneur.


How to Raise Capital: A Review of the most common forms of financing and means of accessing funds

Private Placement - Raising capital through a private placement offering (debt or equity) is a great way for your company to raise seed capital to start initial business operations, increase working capital, or finance the launch of a new product line.

Venture Capital - Typically requires very large percentage ownership in return for the amount of capital that you raise

Direct Public Offerings - For small businesses, this enables you to raise money or equity capital yourself without the use of a licensed securities underwriter, who may be very costly and unwilling to work on smaller projects. It is basically a grass roots financing aimed at your company's customers

Initial Public Offerings - For small to mid-sized companies experiencing fast growth

Revolving Line of Credit - Most common borrowing mechanism for mid-sized companies

Senior Term Debt - Financing typically lent against the collateral value of property, plant and equipment

Mezzanine Debt - Capital that sits midway between senior debt and equity and has features of both kinds of financing

Special Financing - Various forms of leasing, factoring, and pre-paid purchasing, factoring, and pre-paid purchasing
Date 2011 Oct 29, 08:10