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Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Mielec, PL, Poland
Address UL. Wojska Polskiego 3
Phones 48-17-788 08 89
Fax 48-17-788 06 41
Web site www.brwmielec.pl
About I would like to introduce our company BRW Mielec. We are the one of the biggest furnitures, and kitchen furniture fronts company in Poland.
BRW is established in 1996 in Mielec, and from that day is grooving very rapidly, as a certian proof of reliable quality and competitive prices of products in foregin and domestic markets.
The overall area with the right of perpetual usage taken by the company in the Economic Zone covers 25 hectares, not counting leased lands, including around 12, 5 h of usable area.
One of the quarantees of high class of BRW products is: usage of the newest technology,
Best materials possible, and appropriate employee qualifications.
We are deeply interested in doing business with new costumers
Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10