Business category 1 Telephone Accessories
City ( of main office ) Kuwait, KW, Kuwait
Address p. o. box 2342
Phones 965-999-41460
Fax 965
Web site www.infinitydownline.com/?id=ivoice
About Make money with Infinity Downline
It GUARANTEE 100% profit!



Infinity Downline is a reverse 2-Up business model where anyone can make a lot of money.

* Only $25 to join.
* You break even with only 1 person. How cool is that!
* Paid direct member-to-member
* ZERO Admin Fees (thats right... None!)
* Pure 1OO% Net Payout.
* Real products. Hundreds of hours of audio & video education.
* Built in Residuals! - Everyone that pays you $25 will pay you another $25 every month!


What is a Reverse 2-Up system?

In a reverse 2-up business model your 1st and 3rd sale will go to you,.. and your 2nd and 4th sale will go to your sponsor. All sales after that will go to you.

Now, you can look at anything from either a positive point of view or a negative point of view.

From a negative point of view, you have to give your sponsor your 2nd and 4th sales.

From a positive point of view, everyone who joins Infinity Downline under you will be giving their 2nd and 4th sales to you. And those people will also give their 2nd and 4th sales to you. If you think about this for a while you will begin to appreciate the power that is built into this system.

Let's say you only refer 4 people to Infinity Downline (although you can refer as many as you want). And, let's also assume those people also refer just 4 people to Infinity Downline.

Your first sale goes to you and you get your full $25 back on this, your first sale.

Your second sale goes to your sponsor.

Your 3rd sale goes to you and you earn a $25 profit on this sale.

And your fourth sale goes to your sponsor.

Now, when the two people you refer who stayed under you, refer other people to Infinity Downline you will get their 2nd and 4th sales, another $100 profit (4 new members - two each) for doing nothing.

And when those 4 people refer 4 more people to Infinity Downline you will get their 2nd and 4th sales (8 new members) or another $200 profit for a total profit of $325.

Then when those 8 people refer 4 new people each to Infinity Downline you will make another $400 profit for a total profit of $725. All you did was refer 4 people and teach two of them to do the same thing. And it keeps building and growing from there. And, you should be able to recruit a lot more than 4 people.

The key point here is all you did was refer 4 people but as they refer new people your profits continue to multiply......for doing nothing!

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Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10