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Avras Foreign Trade Co.. Ltd.

Business category 1 Glass Crafts
City ( of main office ) İstanbul, TR, Turkey
Address Istanbul Kemankes Mah. Sarap Iskelesi Sokak Muradiye Han No: 6 K: 2 D: 201 / Karakoy-Beyoglu
Phones 90-212-2523876
Fax 90-212-2494586
Web site www.avrastrade.com
About The principal purpose of EUROPES Asia FOREIGN TRADE CO. Ltd. Consists of creating a basis the one increase of the handelsvolumens during the international globalization process and the simplification and acceleration of the relevant processes made possible, which guarantees optimum use of Internet and other technologies and the products manifactured in Turkey, by which elimination of middlemen and the company makes accessible as a direct buyer or the reciprocal use of other action techniques in the foreign trade and with other buyers, at the most economical price

Europe Asia FOREIGN TRADE Ltd s goal is to create and find new markets. Besides our goal bases on to bring a service to small and medium-size enterprises and other production companies with those co-operates, exclusive services on.

Europe Asia FOREIGN TRADE CO. Ltd. Is not only limited to the creation of a commercial basis but also with the range financial advice as independent department,

Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10