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Aurobindo T&M Inc.

Business category 1 Mineral & Metals Agents
City ( of main office ) Nāgpur, IN, India
Address Zal Complex(1st Floor), Residency Road, Sadar, Nagpur
Phones 91-712-5617638
Fax 91-712-2554746
About Aurobindo t&m INC. Is a consulting&trading house with associates/professionals in the iron ore mining, crushing, trading and export line. Interested to work exclusively for a genuine importer from China. Services offered are to guarantee 100% to personally supervise and inspect the iron ore(fines)from the mining stage - transportation to the sea ports - stacking in the plots inside or outside the ports at haldia/paradeep/mangalore in India - getting the material inspected before despatch from the mines spot and before loading into the vessels by sgs or other authorised inspection agencies appointed by the buyer from China. We will ensure that the exporter is genuine in India. We request that enquiries may be sent only by the genuine buyers WHO are actual users in China, so that the relationship will be long-term and regular.

The properties of the material(ironore fines) at present are:

Typical specification

A. Fe content :63.50% basis(rejectionbelow 62.50%)

B. Chemical :

Sio2(silica) 03.00% maximum

Al2o3(alumina) 03.00% maximum

S(sulphur) 00.05% maximum

P(phosphorous) 00.07% maximum

Moisture :07.00% maximum

C. Physical:

Plus 10.00mm = 05.00% maximum

Minus 10.00mm = 95.00% minimum

Minus 150 micron = 30.00% maximum

Initially, exports against L/c can start and once confidence is built over a period, we can work for better deals by establishing a branch for the buyer in India.

Once again we repeat, genuine buyers from China only may respond.

Date 2011 Oct 29, 00:10