Aura Rx Network
Business category 1 | Baked Goods |
City ( of main office ) | Sungai Petani, MY, Malaysia |
Address | 907, Jalan Seri Bayu 22, Taman Seri Bayu |
Phones | 60-13-5844722 |
Fax | 60-13-5844722 |
Web site | |
About | Welcome To AURA RX Network AURA RX NETWORK is a network marketing company offering quality products and wellness services and is dedicated in bringing wellness to society via its "YIN AND YANG" products, programs and business opportunities. Its "YIN" products are made up of- WELL-FOR-LIFE PROGRAM. Its 1-3 day program help individuals, groups and organizations to attain the secrets of maintaining their wellness; and SLIM-FOR-LIFE PROGRAM. This is a weight management program which helps individuals to control their weight by using the "MIFIRO" therapy. The "YANG" products are health related products specially formulated by the founder himself. They are of international standards and are grouped under six main categories namely "WATER BASED", "FOOD BASED", "AIR BASED", "SKIN CARE" and "PERSONAL CARE". The main criteria differentiating AURA RX' products from other brands is that most of its products use Rx-WaterTM which was discovered by the Founder DR. NOORDIN DARUS when he was struck by blood cancer. To overcome the severe side effects from strong medication and chemotherapy, he turned to the Almighty and felt "INSPIRED and LED" towards developing a systematic routine of consuming specially filtered, purified aura water and the results became evident. The water has helped thousands of users in combating their sickness such as diabetes, gout, arthritis, blood cancer etc. There have been many testimonies from many users on how Rx-WaterTM have helped themselves, their plants and pets, improved the quality of their cooking and various other benefits. Our Vision To be a world recognized company that promotes Simple Wellness Medicine regardless of gender, age, beliefs or geographical borders. Our Mission To be a dynamic and unique Network Marketing company excelling in the WELLNESS MEDICINE business. Purpose & Philosophy To achieve the 7 Principles of Well For Life and by using simple Wellness Medicine (MIND, BODY & SOUL MANAGEMENT) to reduce the 'DIS-EASES' in this world. Our Core Values An obsessive desire to satisfy Customers' and Distributors' needs. A passion for calculated and creative risk-taking business development. A profound respect for the 7 Principles of Well-for-Life. Peace Of Mind Healthy & Energy Long Term Love Relationship Financial Freedom Purpose Of Life Give Back & Do Good Enjoy Now & Be Grateful |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 09:10 |