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Ashu Overseas

Business category 1 Graphite Powder
City ( of main office ) Mumbai, IN, India
Address 515, Sai Chambers, T. P. S. 5, Santacruz (East)
Phones 91-22-66783759 / 56783769
Fax 91-22-66783779
Web site www.ashuoverseas.com
About Company profile

Prahem chemical industries ltd ventured into export market in the year 1998 after establishing a trusted name in the domestic market by supplying lube oil additives to the small and big lube oil blending factories since year 1979. The venture was taken up by the company under the name of ashu overseas.

Today, ashu overseas is a supplier of lube oil additives to first class factories in the middle east, Russia, far east and USA.

Further, the company has several agreements with marketing agencies who market lube oils and greases under their brand name. The company blends for them as per the required quality and delivers in drums or consumer packs.

With the grace of god, company earned a very good reputation within a small time span of only 4 years. Encouraged by the support of customers and the staff, company has started supplying chemicals required by lube oil factories, in addition to the additives.


A) additives

ao 403, viscosity index improver

ao 403l, viscosity index improver (low ssi)

ao 6565, pour point depressant

ao 9810, dispressant

ao 958, rust and corrosion inhibitor for oils

ao 7777, sodium petroleum sulphonate

ao 333, calcium petroleum sulphonate (300 tbn)

ao 331, calcium petroleum sulphonate (410 tbn)

ao 2121, dispresant inhibitor additive package

ao 2862, dispresant inhibitor additive package

ao 3825, dispresant inhibitor additive package

ao 2223, dispresant inhibitor additive package

ao 3433, extreme pressure additive package

ao 3500, transformer oil additive package

ao 363, antioxidant (aminic type)

ao 4734, antioxidant (phenolic type)

ao 2915, turbine oil additive

ao 8640, hydraulic oil additive

ao 75, compressor oil additive

ao 8890, defoamer

ao 5121, tackifier

ao 958g, rust and corrosion inhibitor for grease

additives for refinery application

ao 1450, pipeline corrosion inhibitor

ao 3600, filming amine type rust inhibitor

ao 3690, antiscalant for petroleum/crude lines

ao 3636, pour point depressant for fuels

ao 2286, multifunctional fuel additive

B) chemicals for lubes and grease industry

molybdenum disulphide

graphite powder

lithium hydroxide monohydrate

colour dyes

Specifications/data sheets are available upon request

We are keen to have you on our clientele list and you may expect the best of products, services and every possible co-operation from our end...

Looking forward to work with you soon.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 09:10