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Artron Laboratories Inc.

Business category 1 Gates
City ( of main office ) Burnaby, CA, Canada
Address 3938 North Fraser Way
Phones 1-604-415-9757
Fax 1-604-415-9795
Web site www.artronlab.com
About - Artron Laboratories INC. Is a leader in the drive to advance rapid test technology. Our mission is to research, develop, manufacture, and market novel protein-based rapid tests that easily, cost-effectively, and accurately detect the presence of analytes in human body fluids or food / crop samples.
Lateral flow rapid tests are now the leading edge in the diagnostics of disease or food / plant / water safety, and have made normally time and cost consuming analyses easy and affordable. Especially in the medical field, fast, easy, and affordable diagnosis of diseases can save lives.
Artron Bioresearch INC. Was established in 2002 by a team of dedicated and talented research scientists. Years of research have rewarded us with development of rapid tests with optimum sensitivity, specificity, and cross-reactivity, and advanced production technology that ensures our products are top of the line in quality and performance.
Besides manufacturing our own rapid tests and devices, we also supply corporate partners with critical components of rapid tests in both research and diagnostics. Some of these components include monoclonal antibodies, recombinant proteins, coated NC membranes, colloidal gold-protein conjugates, and various manufacturing supplies. Please refer to our catalog for details.
Clients can also contract us to develop custom lateral flow rapid tests. Our experienced researchers have been developing lateral flow tests for many years and understand the complexities involved in the development process. Clients can provide us with the monoclonal antibodies they wish to develop the test with, or can provide us with the antigen they wish to develop the test against. Please refer to our custom processes section for details. We also welcome any proposals for custom processes not listed.
If there are any comments or suggestion as to how we can better serve you, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service representatives.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10