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Arpimex SRL

Business category 1 Bamboo Crafts
City ( of main office ) Napoli, IT, Italy
Address Interporto Di Nola
Phones 39-081-5108985
Fax 39-081-5109010
About Settled in the south of Italy, our company got a huge selection of artificial flowers, Christmas and Easter decorations, Xmas trees and home decors, such as ceramic, resin pottery,

Glassware, bambooware and so on. .

Established in italian market since the early 80's

A. R. P. Im. Ex. Time by time have started to get realitionship with customers from almost all the mediterranean countries, providing them just items of good quality with the prices most competitive on the market.

Settled in Interporto di Nola (one of the biggest commercial developing area) with a quite big wharehouse of 13000 square meters, that are in the "busy seasons" always not enough.

With the best staff we provide to our customers the best service we can, offering them with the most competitive prices all over the lines we sell.

Our showrooms area is about 1500 square meters, tha's divided in tree section in wich there're three different moments of the nature's life:

- Spring and Seasonal items

- Autumn and home decor

- Christmas world

In each of these sections it can be found that with most fashion coulors of the seasons

A huge variety of artificial flowers, and complements for the flower's world.

We prepare our own selection thanks to an hard search of four-five months a year in the Asian countries, and we always try to choose items that can soddisfy our customer's needs, and that

Can make them earn a nice business.

We always keep looking for new respectable suppliers, that can provide us the best quality avaible for our customers.

In our history we never place a small quantity for our selections cause our orders are not just focused on the presales seasons, infact when we decided to put in our show room an item

Means that we will keep to store a such quantity in the wharehouse till the season ends, so

Our customers can place reorder anytime they need.

Now we're enlarging our trades to many other countries of Europian Comunity, wher we hope to find cooperation with sales men, that can help us to promote our items.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10