Antminer APW3++
Type of posting | Offer |
Category | Power Supply Units |
City / Port | Jakarta, ID, Indonesia |
Price | USD 107 ~ 107 per Unit |
Address | Blok M, Mall Lantai Dasar 8 |
Description | We are proud to announce that the AntMiner APW3++12-1600 Power supply Series is now on sale! The APW3++12-1600 Series AC-DC Power supply is specifically designed with mining operations in mind, and combines high conversion efficiency and a strong dynamic performance into a power dense package. It also features short circuit, overload, overheat, low voltage and overload protections. This Power supply includes several features which make it optimal for cryptocurrency mining operations, including: 1) The air flow direction runs from the AC input to the DC output, which is the same configuration as most miners. This proves beneficial for those with large-scale mining operations where heat management is a major consideration. 2) The PCB uses a conformal coating to prevent damage from high voltage spark discharges on MOS pins, or near high-pressure solder joints when external conductive particles or dust enter the PSU. 3) The APW3++12-1600 can work stably in environments with a 50°C ambient temperature. If temperatures exceed 50°C, the PSU should be underclocked (refer to Max Load vs. Ambient Temperature Graph in the user guide for details). Considering the high temperature in mining operations, all internal components are selected with a standard of 105°C, so the APW3++12-1600 has a much longer lifespan than a general use PSU under similar high temperatures. 4) The APW3++12-1600-B2 uses a PCI-E connector which is compatible with currently available ATX PSUs, as well as most bitcoin mining machines.One APW3++12-1600 can power up one S9 or one L3+ or one D3. The high power efficiency translates to big cost savings — if one uses a secondhand general use PSU running at 83% efficiency, when compared to the APW3++12-1600 running at 93.8% efficiency, assuming an electricity cost of $0.10 per kWh, a user could save more than $150 USD per year in power fees. WE SELL PRODUCT : - Binoculars - Camcoder - Camera - Coffee machine - Medical Electronics - Mining Equipment Bitcoin - Print Head - Printers - Scopes - Toys For order and more information about our product list, please visit to our official website company sumberjayaelectronic . com |
Date | 2018 May 16, 08:05 |