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Alupress S.A

Business category 1 Desk Organizer
City ( of main office ) Athens, GR, Greece
Address Krystalli 28
Phones 30-210-2112040
Fax 30-210-2112042
Web site www.aluminium.gr
About "Aluminium Magazine" is the monthly greek magazine for aluminium products relating to the aluminium frames, curtain walls and associated components, product innovations, technologies, installations, economic and sector trends. It is, in short, a vital tool for the industry. Issued in Greek.
Content Index
Our magazine includes 10 issues related to the aluminium sector exclusively. We stand by our work as we believe it to be accurate and for this reason we expend every effort to be reliable.
- News and financial information on companies of the sector
- Products: presentations of new materials or products available in the market
- Aluminium Systems: short or detailed presentation of aluminium frames systems available in the market, as well as new technological advances in that sector
- Technical issues: New technologies on aluminium production, manufacturing, finishing, maintenance, construction of frames and other related issues.
- Specials: articles on specialised technologies, applications and products
- News and new technology briefs from around the world
- Regular follow up and analysis of the international aluminium market place.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10