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Almir Crespi

Business category 1 Consulting
City ( of main office ) São Paulo, BR, Brazil
Address rua azevedo e brito 101
Phones 55-11-26790279
Fax 55-11-75469548
About Sales executive and consulting advertising with experience proven in diverse countries of America latina .
My professional experiences always are focades in great challenges, always with market priospection, elaboration of commercial actions, operations of importation and exportation, implantation and development of new products for the national and international market.
I believe that the distinguishing greater of my work in the commercial sector is the aggressiveness, great energy of performance, motivation and great power of persuasion. Certain of its appreciation of the given information, I will be ready to nullify eventual consultations.
Almir crespi
Date 2011 Oct 29, 08:10